Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Big Bang

Jim Parsons is amazingly talented. I sat and watched several episodes of The Big Bang Theory tonight and continue to marvel at this talented actor. His character is a scene stealer, much like "Just Jack" and "Karen Walker" on Will&Grace.

I am reminded of a small role he played in Garden State. He was a stand out in those three minutes on screen then too.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

LOST withdrawl . . .

Seriously got the shakes without LOST.  I know. . . I shouldn't be feeling it until January, but they are here already.  The only thing close to taking its place is The Event, which is only in the conversation because its premise has taken notes from the JJ Abrams playbook.  While I enjoy the show (Jason Ritter is too cute for words even if his craft needs more development),  the writing doesn't have me in a tailspin like LOST. 

Oh what will I do without my Jack/John/Ben conflict?  Without Sahid?  Without Sawyer and his bad boy pout?  What will I do without my weekly dose of black smoke monster?

What are you going to do?